Harmonix revealed yesterday that their rebooting of PS2’s music game, Amplitude, has been pushed from its originally scheduled March release to sometime this Summer.

In order to provide gamers an optimal gaming experience on both PS3 and PS4, Harmonix opted to push the game’s release instead of sending Kickstarter backers and the gaming world alike an unfit experience.

This is our first time working on PlayStation 4, and it’s been a big learning experience for the team. We’ve put a lot of work into our proprietary engine to support some of the new, awesome content we’re bringing to the reboot. These factors combined have bumped production out a few additional months.” said Harmonix in a Kickstarter newsletter sent to backers.

With Amplitude and our promise of open development, you’ve given us the opportunity to create the game we want to make and, more importantly, make the game that you want. In order to meet that goal, we don’t want to cut any corners, and we want to stay true to our vision and deliver the best Amplitude experience possible.” added the house that built Guitar Hero and Rock Band.

The development studio will bring the rebooted Amplitude to PAX East (which takes place in March) but also promises “exciting plans” for the event.