The LEGO Movie Video Game follows Emmet, an average, rule-following citizen, who is mistakenly identified as the key to saving the world. In the game, players guide Emmet as he is drafted into a fellowship of strangers on an epic quest to stop an evil tyrant, an amazing journey for which Emmet is hopelessly and hilariously underprepared.
With a delightful mix of over 90 characters from the feature film, including Batman, Superman, the Green Ninja and Gandalf , The LEGO Movie Video Game leads gamers on a journey through fantastical worlds in 45 exciting levels. Utilizing the option of two distinct control schemes, Classic and Touch Screen, as well as controller support, players will collect and use LEGO instruction pages to create a new path and harness the power of the Master Builders to virtually build extraordinary LEGO creations. What’s exciting is that the mobile game also features the iconic new animation style that simulates the movement of actual LEGO toy sets, as seen in the film.
Developed by TT Games, The LEGO Movie Video Game is available for £3.99 on the App Store for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch or at: