Square Enix released a brand new trailer for the upcoming Final Fantasy Type-0 HD. This newest video, titled The Legacy Lives On, highlights many colorful characters and magical moments from the world of Final Fantasy universe.
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD features classic elements you’d expect to see in many of the great FINAL FANTASY games – from meeting moogles, collecting crystals and exploring the game world on chocobos, to a surprise shooting section in an airship – all of which feature in today’s trailer.
Recognizable foes that will be featured in the game and can be seen in the trailer above: Behemoth, Gilgamesh, Flan, Iron Giant, Cactuar, Marlborro and Bomb, and Eidolons include Odin, Shiva, Ifrit, Golem and Bahamut. And obviously it wouldn’t be a Final Fantasy without an appearance from Cid in a surprising role.
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD will be released on 20th March 2015 and will feature an exclusive demo of the highly anticipated Final Fantasy XV. Titled Episode Duscae, the demo will be playable on day 1 and will give players a taste of what’s to come with the long-gestating game formerly known as Final Fantasy Versus XIII.