Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is Pretty Darn Coolio; Gearbox Software has announced the final add-on content, to be released as part of Borderlands: The Pre-sequel’s season pass. It will arrive in the form of the Claptastic Voyage DLC. Check out the trailer below and get a load of the amazing content Gearbox Software have to offer.

In it, players will venture into the depths of the brain belonging to Borderlands very own unusual bot and have the opportunity to traverse through new digital environments, whilst reacquainting with past characters. The trailer featuring rapper Coolio’s – yes Coolio – 90’s “classic” rap tune “fantastic Voyage”, shows off plenty of action, maps and new weapons to get fans hyped up for the release, which happens to drop on March 24 for Steam, Xbox 360 and PlayStaion 3 in North America, with Europe to receive it the following day.

Also included in the pack, will be the Ultimate Vault Hunter upgrade pack 2, giving players an extra 10 levels with a maximum cap of 70. This also includes new achievements and trophies, as well as, the customisable mutator arena. It should also be mentioned, if fans are willing to wait just a little longer, then they can grab themselves The Handsome Collection on March 27, combining Borderlands 2: The Pre-Sequel, with all of the DLC mentioned above. That pack will release on PS4 and Xbox One.