We’re bereft of purpose now that we can no longer lend our support to Square Enix’s preorder program for New Deus Ex. However will we pre-spend our pre-money pre-now? Haygood certainly did not spend any money on Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5, but he did rent it, briefly, so he could tell us all about it. We have a free Stream game for a lucky listener this week, and then some quick chat on the Pope, HMOs, Mario Tennis, Podcast Day, Mega Man, and the shady practice of book excerpts. You, meaning us, meaning we, like the worst stuff.

The podcast is mixed by Joe Haygood and includes, Joe Haygood, Tony Sadowski and Joe Fourhman on vocals. You can download the podcast directly from here or click on one of the links below to subscribe. Music for the podcast is “Maestro” by Brian Boyko found on www.freepd.com.

NOTE: We recently changed our feed location. Please make sure to change the feed if you are not using iTunes to the following location – http://www.mclazyj.com/podcasts/yltwsfeed.xml

GGS Gamer - You Like the Worst Stuff