Game With is a new service that allows you to find people to game with. In multiple games and across multiple, you should be able to find similarly goal-orientated players to help you fulfill your objective.

In an interview with Geek Press UK, Dean of Game With had the following to say about why the site was created:

Sure, Game With was born from me being pretty frustrated at not having anyone online or around the same level/chapter when Diablo 3 was first released on console. I know for me, finding time to game is becoming harder, between a full time job, a young child and a commute the last thing I want to do is waste any of my gaming time sitting in a lobby.

You can register here in order to create and join sessions. The site runners want to see more user feedback and plan to follow an ‘always in Beta’ model to improve their service. They also want to encourage developers to try out the service to see if it could benefit their community.