Title: Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition
Platforms: Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 4 (Reviewed)
Developer: Larian Studios
Release Date: Out now
Price: £39.99
Family Friendly: Click here to read more
Divinity Original Sin: Enhanced Edition follows up last years critically acclaimed RPG by improving the game and adding new features, as well as a console release. The outcome provides a stellar RPG that any fan of the genre should experience.
The main appeal for Divinity has always been it’s narrative, and with Original Sin, Larian Studios have outdone themselves. Though the same inventory problems still persist, the interactive world of Rivellon and the highly detailed RPG systems are completely intact with a look and feel that’s better than ever.
Because of the complexity within the Original Sin, there is an enormous amount of information to process, and Enhanced Edition does a lovely job of displaying it all on a TV screen in a way that’s easily readable from a good distance; something a lot of RPG’s fall down on when ported over to the consoles from PC. What still remains a big pain is the fiddly job of independently managing the parties inventories, though thanks the radial menus it makes it less hassle than that of the PC version.
If you’ve come looking for amazing visuals then you’ll be disappointed with what the Enhanced Edition does to Divinity: Original Sin. While it’s on the same line as a PC running the game at ultra settings which can be seen as an impressive feat for a console game; though this is due to the D&D-esque Euro-fantasy art style of the game. And even though the game is set to 30 frames per second, it actually runs reliably steady, even during split-screen co-op.
Looking at the new content which has been added into the Enhanced Edition, the biggest addition is the full voice acting of pretty much every NPC; adding a huge layer of immersion to a world which is already very well realised. New areas and skills have been added as well, and while they are appreciated, Divinity is already a pretty massive game so these just act as the little cherries on top to make it the ultimate package.
What might convince veterans of the game to play through again is the addition of split-screen local play. Making the unique style of Original Sin’s cooperative that much easier rather than looking for people online. Splitting your party up and settling choices with a virtual rock, paper, scissors adds a wonderful charm to the game and further adds to the roleplaying experience that already feels pretty genuine.
As I stated above the one gripe I have with the game is the finicky inventory management, and this is something that plays quite a big role in a game that has the player constantly finding new items and equipment for the party. While it’s not exactly game breaking, it does break the immersion of the loot drops and specific charm that the game delivers.
If you want an RPG that has the most amount of skills, stats to always consider, and where at all times you need to think about every inch of the character sheet. There’s nothing else quite like Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition. Whilst there are better looking games that are more accessible and less cumbersome on the inventory management, none are as dedicated to the true spirit of the RPG genre.
The Good
- True to spirt in old school RPG
- Interesting stats and skills
- Huge world with plenty to do in
The Bad
- Lots of finicky inventory management
Family Focus
Not a completely family friendly game, though with the addition of couch co-op it brings more players in the genre.