The PlayStation 4 retail edition of Toki Tori 2+ will be available to buy in stores from February 26 this year.

Toki Tori started off as a Gameboy game in 2001, developed by Two Tribes and published by Capcom. Since then, it has seen a remake for WiiWare in 2008 and the independent release of a sequel, Toki Tori 2.


This vibrantly coloured game’s main character may only be able to move, stomp and tweet, yet using these skills is vital to navigating the puzzles in the level. The game is available on Wii U and Steam already, but the different platforms for this game each has their own unique features:

  • PlayStation 4
    • Telepathic guidance from Ancient Frogs
    • 15 Achievements
  • Steam
    • Level editor: create and share levels through Steam Workshop
    • 38 Achievements
    • For PC & Mac using SteamPlay
  • Wii U
    • Fully playable on the Wii U GamePad
    • Use the GamePad as Tokidex camera