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The gaming market is arguably advancing at a faster rate than any other, both in terms of the platforms available and the way in which players enjoy their experience. Take the current range of gaming gadgets and accessories, for example, which has grown exponentially over the course of the last decade and is set to benefit from ground-breaking innovation over the course of the next 10 years too

VR and AR Headsets and the Microsoft HoloLens 

OK, this is a no-brainer, as virtual and augmented reality has finally become an accessible technological innovation that is impacting on the mainstream. Having been developed significantly since 2005, market leading devices such as Microsoft’s HoloLens (which is an AR device) include advanced motion sensors and in-built controllers to create an even more immersive gaming experience.

The PrioVR Suit

Moving away from headsets, the PrioVR Suit is another game changing innovation that allows for seamless and enjoyable gaming. This is a piece of wearable technology that introduces your precise movements into virtual environments, enabling you to interact in real-time with other players and individual gameplay elements.

The Kor-FX Gaming Vest

On a similar note, the Kor-FX gaming vest is a garment that enables you to feel everything that happens during the course of a game through sensory touch. This gadget also breaks new ground in award-winning 4DFX technology, which uses haptic signals or audio to build the overall experience.

The Naos Quantified Gaming Mouse

This is the world’s first smart gaming mouse, and it is a device that offers deep insights into your style of play. Relying on built-in sensors to capture accurate data, it tracks your heart rate, monitors galvanic skin responses and also your actions per minute.

The ZRRO Hoverpad

As the name suggests, this is an innovative and brilliantly designed hover controller that is compatible with almost all Android games and apps, including multiple casino online platforms. Through its touch sensors and unique design, you can access these titles on a large-screen television and enjoy cross-platform gaming of the highest order.