2K and Gearbox Software announced a double XP weekend special event for their latest shooter; Battleborn, on all platforms (PC, PS4 and Xbox One). The event begins Friday, May 20th at 8am PDT and ends on Wednesday, May 25th at 8am PDT. This bonus applies to both Story Mode episodes and Competitive Multiplayer matches.


Additionally, the publisher and developer have announced that the first of five new free playable characters will be available on May 31st. Those who have purchased the Season pass and/or participated in the Beta on Sony’s PS4 will be able to get it a week early on May 24th.

Alani is a member of the Eldrid faction who was raised as a healer but forced to be a warrior, and is all that remains of her order after Rendain’s Jennerit Imperium stole the oceans from her world. As a warrior from a planet with vast seas, Alani’s attacks and abilities revolve around her power to control water to dish out pain, or heal her fellow Battleborn.