Ubisoft, in partnership with Chief Media Productions, have announced that a feature length documentary, entitled ‘Wildlands’, which explores the South American drug cartel will be released March 6 2017.

The documentary, directed by Collin Offland and presented by Rusty Young – author of Marching Powder, will explore the relationship between South and North America and the war on drugs that has spanned over four decades.

Presenter Rusty Young is best known for his work Marching Powder

Wildlands will explore several stories from different aspects of the war on drugs, including John Velaquez – the former right hand man of Pablo Escobar, George Jung – a key figure in introducing cocaine to the USA in the 1970s, and ex-DEA agent Mike Vigil who spent years in South America in an undercover capacity. The stories that are explored in Wildlands will offer viewers “unprecedented insight to the people who have shaped this landscape, enabling a better understanding of a global issue which affects us all” according to director Offland.

John Velaquez – former right-hand man of Pablo Escobar

Mikie Vigil’s undercover work proved crucial in providing intel on Cartel movements

George Yung, whose actions got the USA ‘hooked’ on cocaine


The release of Wildlands will act as a companion which offers a developed context for the fictional environment that players of the much anticipated Ghost Recon: Wildlands will enter on March 7 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.