Haemimont Games, in partnership with Wired Productions, have announced that the all-new Victor Vran: Overkill Edition will be arriving for PC, PS4, and Xbox One soon.
The new Overkill Edition contains the original Victor Vran game, along with the Cauldron of Chaos DLC, the Tomb of Souls weapon, and the Highlander outfit included.
Alongside this, players of the Overkill Edition will get the highly anticipated Fractured Worlds and Motorhead: Through the Ages DLC included.
Whilst no specific date has been set for release yet, both Wired and Haemimont Games are confident of an early 2017 release.
We’ll be covering the game in more detail, with a preview of the Overkill Edition, an interview with Haemimont Games, and some other stuff on its way – so be sure to check back for more Victor Vran soon!