Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series returns on October 10, 2017, and we have the trailer for episode 4 - “Who Needs You.”
The new episode will be available for $5 or equivalent, and you can pick up the whole season for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Windows PC, Mac, or at the App Store and Google Play. If you don’t fancy that, you can get a physical edition as a Season Pass Disc – North America is selling it for $30, but prices may vary globally.  The disc includes episode one, “Tangled Up in Blue,” and grants access to download the subsequent four episodes via online updates as they are released. Additional platforms for release, however, are yet to be announced.
In episode four, with the fate of the Eternity Forge decided, the Guardians are left more bitterly divided than ever. But this growing tension is temporarily sidelined by a more pressing problem: escaping a dark and treacherous cavern before they all get eaten alive. As the cave’s hidden threats creep closer, Star-Lord must hold his crew together if he hopes to keep everyone safe. Safety, however, may ultimately come at a terrible cost…