Pull Up a Pew and Let’s Have a Chin-Wag.

Welcome back to another Community Q! The time of the week where we throw out a question and you lovely people give us your opinion!

Community Q: What’s you favourite cameo in video games?

We had a chance to play a bit of Jump Force last week; y’know, the game that brings together all of your favourite anime characters and then demands them to turn against each other in a hailstorm of combos and weaponised balls of energy.

And whilst Jump Force doesn’t really have any cameos – offering a mash-up of TV shows instead, it did get us thinking about the other times we saw our favourite characters or people make a guest appearance in the game we’re playing.

So, we want to know – what’s the best cameo you’ve seen in a game? Tell us in the comments or on Twitter @ggsgamer!

Got an idea for a Community Q? Drop us a message and tell us about it!