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With so many games available in the market, it is easy to miss out on some really good ones. While there’s no definitive reason for them for not getting the attention they deserved, we bet you’ll love to play these games.
Sure, you can try out for some of your online games, but PC gaming is fun as well, and something you can look forward to. It’s not just about FIFA or Far Cry or GTA any more – there is just so much more you can look forward to!
The Top Underrated PC Games You Need To Try Out
PC gaming is fun and you can do a whole lot more than you think possible. Here are six most underrated games on PC.
1. Lawbreakers
This game’s cool gravity defying fighting moves like darting, triple jump, flying backwards, and teleporting gunslingers failed to make their presence felt in the market. Lawbreakers is about stopping alien invasion into your land.
The creators have focused on giving unique characteristics to the players and has the best coding in years. Coming to graphics, it’s designed exceptionally well, giving you an almost real-life experience; making it one of the better action packed games out there.
2. Epistory: Typing Chronicles
When the game was released, many people failed to see past the fact that it was a typing application. Epistory allows you to make your own story by making choices to save your land. It is filled with a huge vocabulary and we assure you that once you start playing, you’ll English will most certainly enhance. Not only is it aesthetic but also a short one, so you aren’t addicted to it for months.
3. The Sims: Hot Date
Sims has always been a frontrunner in best PC games list but it’s latest version, Hot Date, was too realistic for people to like. The game introduces some cool features including more expressions and feelings, nicer clothes, and a disco. It lacked the touch of extraordinary its previous versions had.
Another lovely addition was a common meeting place, where you could meet other Sims, make friends, and find a partner. Also, from this version onward, when you are at the common meeting place, time back home freezes, so you can enjoy a party and have a career at the same time.
4. Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams is a 2D game, which means it is easy to miss among the pool of cool 3D games. The game is about sisters, one with pink hair and other one with blonde hair. Difficulty curve of the game is spot on and so is the rock music that changes according to the sisters’ emotions. If you are into 2D games, you most certainly need to give this game a try.
Have you tried any of these games or want to try them? Tell us about that one game, which you find the most underrated.
Which is your favorite PC game and why? Let us know below!