Be indie know.

Welcome back to another roundup of the latest goings-on in the indie sphere. We’re back to the basics this week, with a handful of ins, outs, re-releases, and new games on the block that you should an eye out for.

It was nice while it lasted: FEZ Set to leave

The indie darling Fez will no longer be available to buy from from today. Players who already bought the game from the digital shop will still have access to it from their library but Polytron has called time for any new purchases.

Why? Well, that isn’t very clear. GOG only gave a brief statement on their forum with no explanation as to why this has happened. But – being the speculative bunch we are – we’d bet good money on the removal being fallout from GOG’s tweet last week. The company posted an image from Postal 2 showing a grave bearing the title “Game Journalist” being pissed on. The image is synonymous with Gamergate. And whilst GOG was quick to delete the tweet and fess up to making a mistake, it’s possible that some developers are pulling support.

New Kid on the Block: The Occupation has a Release Date

Ever wondered what it’d be like to be an investigative reporter? Well, wonder no more! Because the first-person thriller will be arriving on PC and console on October 8, 2018… so, you may have to wonder for just a little while longer.


The Occupation takes you through a series of events in a single evening, with actions happening in realtime and you being faced with the task of uncovering who’s behind an explosion which may very well end up in a riot.

Strolling through the north-west of England, you’ll be treated to the sights and sounds of the 90’s as you decide how to go about your investigation; choosing whether to kick the door in and yell questions at people or plan your acts carefully all whilst the minutes slip by.
The Occupation certainly boasts an idea that’ll have a lot of people circling its release in their calendars, whether or not it’s able to live up to our own expectations remains to be seen.

And Finally… Get Prepped For Surgeon Simulator all Over Again

Just when you thought your time as a clumsy hack surgeon was done and dusted, guess what’s arriving on the Switch later this year? No-one? It’s Surgeon Simulator.

The Switch’s port of the game will see players suiting up for surgery all over again and this time you’ll be able to ruin a life with a friend. That’s because Surgeon Simulator will be arriving with co-op play ready to go from day one, hooray!

There’s no specific release date as of yet, but the game is touted for an autumn release this year, so get those rubber gloves at the ready.

Got a piping hot news tip? Drop us a message and tell us about it!