Football’s Gone Mad.

As the new season nears ever closer, EA have announced a heap of new Kick-Off match styles to help mix things up a bit in the already crazy world of football. People move things with their feet, if that isn’t crazy, I don’t know what is.

Along with the regular, boring old normal matches, players will get to jump straight into a Champion’s League match, showing off the ramped up atmosphere for the competition. Not quite crazy, but still a nice extra touch.

But where things get interesting is with the selection of matches that follow new bizarre rules. Included in this collection is the essential “No Rules” match, where – as you could guess 0 fouls, offsides, and every other rules has been thrown out the window.

There’s also a “Headers and Volleys” match, where goals only scored with a top-notch volley or header will count when it comes to the final whistle.

And if that wasn’t enough, then how foes the “Survival Mode” sound? Every time a player scores, a random player – including the keeper – is removed from the team, in a mode that’s sure to make those matches against your friend who’s terrible at FIFA a little more challenging.

The last mode worth mentioning is the “Best of Series” mode, which pit players against each other in either a three or five match series made up of classic fixtures. It’s a mode that’ll have you replaying the matches that have stood out in recent seasons.

It’s an inclusion that brings a nice little twist to a stagnating mode. But we want to know which mode you most like the sound of, so tell us in the comments below. Oh and don’t forget that FIFA 19 arrives on September 28 for console and PC.