What are you playing?

Each week we’ll give you the low-down on the games that have been keeping the GGS Gamer staff busy on their consoles, PCs and handhelds.

Here’s what we’ve been playing this week …


  • Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Final Mix HD (PS4) – Steadily making my way through all the games so my journey starts with where it began… Well unless you include KH Chi on mobile.
  • Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu (Switch) – It’s a weird how well this works without diminishing my memory of Pokmon Yellow.
  • Red Dead Redemption 2 Online (PS4) – It’s finally live!



  • Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne (PS2/3) – Savoring replaying this little gem. Level grinding has never been this fun.
  • Sniper Elite 4 (XB1) – I reviewed it when it came out in 2017, but grabbed a copy on sale. Such a fun game. Fingers crossed that Sniper Elite 5 is on the way!
  • Diablo 3: Eternal Collection (Switch) – Still not done with this one. Loving it but I think I forced myself to play too much of it. Slowly starting to feel the burn.



  • Lucid Dream (PC) – I really enjoyed playing this surreal point and click game for review, and I’ve now been trying to pressure as many people as possible to give it a go.
  • Star Wars Battlefront 2 (PS4) – I treated myself to a Black Friday discount and now I’m killing a load of rebel scum (I also just watched Rogue One for the first time so it’s a good follow on from that).
  • Hitman 2 (XB1) – I got full Mastery for Miami and now working through Columbia after having absolutely murdered Sean Bean with an explosive.
  • Grip Combat Racing (XB1) – I still love this game, it’s just ridiculously fun.



  • Divinity Original Sin (PC) – Never did finish this amazing RPG, so after trawling through the backlog on the Steam library, I thought I would pop back into Rivellon for some more adventures.
  • Battlefield 5 (XB1X) – The latest instalment of my favourite FPS is out and I just had to play it. Still undecided as to what I would rank it in regards to the others. But I do like it. Feels a lot like Star Wars Battlefront with its faster gunplay and slightly smaller maps.
  • World of Warcraft (PC) – Chugging along waiting for the next content drop. Only popped into raid and get some free loot on the alts this week.
  • Rock Band 4 (XB1X) – Because I needed a good sing and Strum.



  • Final Fantasy 13 (XB1) – I’ve played this pretty much non-stop over the last week. I’d forgotten how fun the combat can be.
  • Darksiders 2 (PS4) – Because Darksiders 3 just came out, so why not? It’s also been sat in my library untouched for god knows how long so thought I’d give it a go. So far, it feels like an incredibly watered-down God of War with an absolutely horrendous camera!
  • Sky Force Reloaded (XB1) – I loved Sky Force Anniversary when it was free as a PS Plus game so I knew I’d enjoy this. It didn’t disapoint.


How about you?

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