No-mura trouble finding out KH3 secrets!

Thanks to the peeps over at KH13 and Famitsu – news has surfaced of an interview between Famitsu and Kingdom Hearts III director Tetsuya Nomura. In the interview, Nomura reveals some details about the extra game movies, and also the requirements for unlocking the secret ending movie for KH3.

– Are there conditions for viewing epilogue and secret movies?

Nomura: Epilogue flows after ending, you can watch it after clearing the game if you download it on the 26th day after release. Secret movies will be delivered on the 31st, but the viewing conditions will be related to the number of “lucky marks” taken.

Famitsu interview with KHIII game director Tetsuya Nomura using Google Translate.
‘Lucky Marks Selfies’ courtesy of

So to unlock the extra movies and secret endings, you have to take varying amounts of photos with the hidden lucky marks in the background of your selfies. These are dotted all over the world, so you will have to explore to find and take shots of them. The number of shots you need for each unlock is also tied to the difficulty of the game, with lower difficulty requiring less lucky marks.