So if you play your cards right…

GWENT is getting an expansion – Crimson Curse – and we’ve got a new trailer to go with it.

Remember Dettlaff van der Eretein, the vampire from Blood and Wine? Yeah, he’s now summoning his kin, The moon is turning red, new breeds of monsters are surfacing, new villains are emerging, and of course, there’s new heroes.

As well as new tools, there’s also 100 cards across all playable factions, so you can inflict Poison and Bleeding, defend with Shield and Vitality, and use Deathblow and Berserk to scrape a win. As always, all cards come with both a standard version and a premium animated variant.

Release date wise, Crimson Curse is out for PS4, Xbox One, and PC on
March 28, 2019.