What are you playing?

Each week we’ll give you the low-down on the games that have been keeping the GGS Gamer staff busy on their consoles, PCs and handhelds.

Here’s what we’re playing this week …


  • Devil May Cry 5 (PS4): Holy shit this game is all sorts of awesome! The combat is so badass and the graphics are insane.


  • Devil May Cry 5 (PS4): Took me a while to get into, but now having serious fun. Except when forced to use V. He’s not fun. 
  • Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor Overclocked (3DS): I hit a wall at a boss, so now it’s grinding time!


  • A Plague Tale: Innocence (PC): I previewed a bit of Asobo Studio’s tragic adventure and I’m ridiculously excited to get my hands on more when it releases in May.
  • The Occupation (PC): Another one for review; I really liked the idea behind The Occupation but there are so many niggly bits that ruin the overarching strengths of the game, which is a shame.
  • Secret of Mana (Mini-SNES): Finally managed to give my SNES another go after being unused for a little over a year (oops!) Loving the chance to replay this absolute beaut and I can’t wait to get my dragon.
  • EarthBound (Mini-SNES): I’ve never played Earthbound but I’m absolutely loving it and starting to see why this has remained such an iconic game.


World of Warcraft (PC): Leveling alliance alts and trying to get the reputation required to unlock the new allied races.

What are you up to this week? Playing games at mayfaircasino.com? Let us know in the comments below, on Facebook or on Twitter!