What’s indie news this week?
Heelp there and welcome back to ANOTHER of our weekly indie news roundups. It’s the time when we forage for the stories you may have missed but need to know about when it comes to indie games big and small, new or old, and with a few stories worth your attention, let’s get to the news.
Don’t Starve Hamlet bursts out of Early Access
Don’t Starve’s third DLC, Hamlet, has survived the trilas of Early Access and is now available as the bonafied finished article on Steam right now.
Hamlet takes you away from the dank and presumably samp wooldlands of the original game, popping you down in a town full of pig people, and you thought it’d be normal this time. Well, there is a dollop of normal thrown into the Hamlet DLC because you’ll be able to live in your own house in Pig Town that can be upgraded (we’re hoping you can get a “Home Sweet Home†sign).
Of course the game won’t all be homemaking and pig-person friend-making; the survival element of Don’t Starve still lurks just outside of Oinksville. Your new town is surrounded by a fairly dense jungle that houses all kinds of ghouls that want to see you dead and if that wasn’t enough, Hamlet also boasts a massive killer robot that shoots lasers. You’ll be venturing out into the junlge to go on archaelogical digs to find out more out the curious pig town along with new recipes to craft.
You can pick up the Hamlet DLC on Steam right now for just over £5/$7.
Crowd Funded Outer Wilds will be an Epic timed-exclusive
The crowdfunded space exploration game, Outer Wilds, will be an Epic Games timed exclusive, developed Mobius Digital announced this week,
The developer has said that the game would be rolled out to Steam later down the line but didn’t give any details about how long this would be.
Outer Wilds first reached its $125,000 funding target in 2015 and the game has been in development since. The news of the timed exclusivity hasn’t gone down too well with some backers, who have asked for refunds and , as one backer wrote, turned the game’s Steam discussion page into a “shitshow.â€
Being a timed exclusive, it’s likely that Outer Wilds will be available on Steam after a six-moth or year-long stay with Epic.
And Finally… Figment is getting some autumn DLC
The surreal, all-singing platformer Figment is getting a dollop of new adventure later this year with the Creed Valley DLC being announced.
Creed Valley picks up after the finale of the original game, with Dusty and bird-pal Piper having to journey to the new valley, which houses the mind’s world views, to face a whole new enemy.
Figment recently arrived on PS4 after a pretty successful sting on PC and Switch. You can pick the console version up for £16/$20 but if you’re not too sure about it, we’ll have a review up for the game next week so you can (and should) wait for that first.