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Grand Theft Auto (GTA) is one of the most popular PC Games of all time. The PC game because so popular that it even got itself a movie. However, we not talking about the movie today we are more concerned with the return of GTA 4 on Steam.
Rumour has it that the game will return within a few months. However, as it returns a few changes have been made to the game.
GTA 4 Set to Return in March 2020
In 2008, GTA was pulled off Steam due to a few technical issues with the PC game. However, after such a long time, the game is set to make a major come back in March 2020.
According to GTA is set to hit the scenes on the 19th of March. The game will replace GTA 4 and GTA 4: Episodes from Liberty with Grand Theft Auto 4: Complete Edition.
All the players’ files will be compatible with GTA 4: Complete Edition.
No More Multiplayer For GTA 4
Everything about the games returns to Steam has video gamers happy. However, there is one major change that will have players not that overjoyed anymore. That is GTA 4 will return but without the multiplayer feature.
This is not all as other features like games for Windows Live as well as the GTA leader boards will also be scratched out. Some of the radio stations in the game like the Vice City FM and the Ram Jam FM will not be available when the game is realised.
What Does This Mean For Players?
If there is one feature that video gamers love it is the multiplayer feature. This feature allows players to play and compete against each other. And removing such features can greatly affect the way that the game will be received by the video games.
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