It’s an odd world out there, so picking up a game that reflects this seems like a great idea. Enter: Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath.

Released back in January by those folk at Oddworld Inhabitants Inc. and Microids, the games digital success on the Nintendo eShop has prompted the two to release physical editions, launching May 26 in the US and May 28 in Europe. Not only that, but we’ve been given the deets of the content of the Limited Edition version:

  • The game (obviously), Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD
  • An exclusive box with a lenticular featuring a unique design
  • A keychain that looks like a Fuzzle preparing to attack
  • A set of limited-edition stickers sporting some of the Live Ammo creatures that Stranger uses to bring down his bounties

Sounds pretty sweet, huh? We think so too. So pack up your Live Ammo, pull down your stetson, and get ready to go bounty hunting – Oddworld style! Roll the credits trailer!