Get your Jibanyan Couch Mount!
Yo-kai Watch returns to Eorzea as of today and will last through until the release of Patch 5.4 which is great because you’ve got a long grind ahead of you, if you want to obtain all the special Yo-kai weapons which will eventually unlock a cool Jibanyan Couch mount!
Getting started:
In order to acquire these flashy weapons and mounts, you must first be level 15 or higher and have cleared one of the three Grand Company envoy missions. Provided you’ve fulfilled those requirements, you can meet up with Poor-heeled Youth in Ul’dah at the Steps of Nald (x9.2, y9.1). Completing this quest will give you everything you need to start your quest for Yo-kai: the Yo-kai Watch and Medallium.
You must equip the Yo-kai Watch in order to begin acquiring Yo-kai medals from various FATEs around Eorzea, however to acquire Legendary Yo-kai medals required to grab the 17 weapons in this event, you must have the correct minion summoned and participate in FATEs in the specific areas for that minions Legendary medal.
Clearing the aforementioned quest will unlock The Wandering Executive at the Gold Saucer (x5.2, y6.9), and from him you can grab each of the 17 Yo-kai to aid you in building up your Legendary medals to purchase the weapons. However, you need normal medals to grab these Yo-kai, but unlike, Legendary medals, standard medals can be acquired from any FATEs in Thanalan, La Noscea, The Shrouds, Heavensward and Stormblood areas provided you are wearing the Yo-kai Watch and obtain at least a silver rank or above.

How to obtain the Yo-kai minons and their respective weapons:
The first Yo-kai minion will cost you one medal which you get upon completing the initial quest to unlock the Yo-kai event. However, after that the other 16 will cost you 3 medals each to acquire which is a lot less than when this event orginally debuted in 2016.
The Yo-kai weapons are a little more costly with the first weapon costing 5 Legendary medals of the current Yo-kai minion that is accompanying you. The other 16 will cost you 10 Legendary medals of that specific Yo-kai minion. Both Yo-kai minions and weapons can be purchased from The Wandering Executive as mentioned above.
Where to obtain the Legendary Medals:
Legendary Medal | Class/Weapon | FATE Locations |
Jibanyan | Warrior/Axe | Central Shroud, Lower La Noscea, Central Thanalan |
Komasan | White Mage/Cane | East Shroud, Western La Noscea, Eastern Thanalan |
USApyon | Monk/Claws | Outer La Noscea, Middle La Noscea, Western Thanalan |
Whisper | Bard/Bow | South Shroud, Upper La Noscea, Southern Thanalan |
Shogunyan | Paladin/Sword & Shield | East Shroud, Lower La Noscea, Central Thanalan |
Hovernyan | Dark Knight/Sword | South Shroud, Western La Noscea, Eastern Thanalan |
Komajiro | Scholar/Codex | Central Thanalan, East Shroud, Western La Noscea |
Noko | Astrologian/Globe | Southern Thanalan, North Shroud, Outer La Noscea |
Venoct | Dragoon/Spear | Western Thanalan, Middle La Noscea, Central Shroud |
Kyubi | Ninja/Daggers | Western Thanalan, Central Shroud, Lower La Noscea |
Robonyan F-type | Machinist/Musket | Southern Thanalan, Upper La Noscea, North Shroud |
Blizzaria | Black Mage/Staff | North Shroud, Outer La Noscea, Middle La Noscea |
Manjimutt | Summoner/Book | Eastern Thanalan, South Shroud, Upper La Noscea |
Lord Enma | Gunbreaker/Gunblade | The Fringes, The Ruby Sea, Yanxia, The Peaks, The Lochs, The Azim Steppe |
Zazel | Samurai/Katana | Coerthas Western Highlands, The Dravanian Forelands, The Dravanian Hinterlands, The Churning Mists, The Sea of Clouds, Azys Lla |
Damona | Dancer/Glaives | The Fringes, The Ruby Sea, Yanxia, The Peaks, The Lochs, The Azim Steppe |
Lord Ananta | Red Made/Rapier | Coerthas Western Highlands, The Dravanian Forelands, The Dravanian Hinterlands, The Churning Mists, The Sea of Clouds, Azys Lla |
Upon acquiring each of the minions and weapons, you will finally be awarded your Jibanyan Couch mount which looks super cool and I can’t wait to get it for myself. It will, however, be a long grind but thankfully, I have my fellow Warriors of Light to keep me company in the many battles that lie ahead.
I hope you’ve found this guide useful, we hope to try and provide more guides going forward for many of the upcoming titles to help give you a hand whenever you get stuck.