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Xbox games are part of the best games that gamers have ever come across. We talk of the variety as well as the new games that the players get to enjoy very often. There are also a number of features that the players can enjoy on the games. 

While these features always seem to make gaming easier for the players, there is still a lot that needs to done as well. That is why we want to look at various Xbox hacks that players can use to better enjoy their gaming experience. 

1.    The Play Box

So we all know that you have heard about the Xbox, but have you ever about the Play box  too? This is basically one of the genius inventions that all gamers need to have. When we talk of the Play box, we talk of portable laptop that is able to play both Sony and Microsoft games. And it comes with the Xbox One backward compatibility which then allows it to incorporate four different consoles. 

2.    Turn Off Auto-Updates

As much as we all love the new games that come with Xbox and online casinos as well at sites like, there are some things that we don’t love. And part of these things are the automatic updates. 

Some players are at times on a low budget, as such auto-updates can be quite costly. The solution to this is pretty simple, just turn them off.

3.    Get faster Downloads

Playing on an Xbox console means that there are times when you want to download your games. And as fast as your internet was, somehow it tends to slow down when it comes to downloads. 

One way that you can speed up the process is by using a DNS server just like what many casino games or machines a sous sites do. Some machines connect automatically to DNS, but some do not. Therefore next time to try download something, check if your DNS is connected.